Delegations and Deputations
To appear before Council as a delegation, here is what you need to know.
How do I get on a Council agenda?
You must submit a formal request for a deputation to the Clerk before 4:30 on the Tuesday preceding the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. If the request/letter is received after that deadline, it will be forwarded to the next regularly scheduled meeting of Council subject to time availability.
No more than 3 deputations shall be formally scheduled for any Council meeting and as such the total time allotment for all deputations/presentations for each meeting is 30 minutes (10 minutes for each deputation). Any individual or group who appears without prior arrangement with the Clerk, and wishes to speak to Council, may do so following the formal deputations but is subject to time availability. If the formal deputations take up the 30 minutes allotted then it suggested that the individul or group contact the Clerk the next business day to make a formal request and can then be placed on the next meeting's agenda. To ensure that you are able to speak to Council individuals/groups are encouraged to make a formal request to the Clerk.
When I submit my request, what do I need to include?
- Your name
- Your contact information
- Your reason for deputation to Council
- Any background information including a brief summary for inclusion in the electronic Council package. If you provide your deputation in electronic format, it will be published with the minutes of the Council meeting.
You will be contacted for clarification if your submission is vague. If you do not provide sufficient information or refuse to disclose the reason for your deputation you will not be permitted to appear before Council.
My issue is urgent, why can't I be put on the agenda tomorrow?
The Procedural By-law requires this notice period. To meet the requirements for accountability and openness, sufficient notice needs to be provided so that members of the public are aware of what will be discussed at the Council meeting.
Who is in charge at the meeting, and who will be there?
The Council meeting is an open meeting and any members of the public are welcome to attend. You will be making your presentation in front of Council which is composed of the Mayor and 6 Council members. Senior staff members may also be in attendance along with the Clerk and Chief Administrative Officer. All comments are to be directed to the Mayor who is the head of Council. The Mayor has control of the meeting and as such also controls the decorum of the deputation and tone of the meeting. Please note that all Open Council Meetings, either Regular meetings or Special meetings are now Live Streamed. Previous meetings can be found on You Tube. See Live Streaming for further information.
How long can I speak for?
Delegations are limited to 10 minutes including any questions Council may have. If you have additional information that cannot be covered in this time, you must request an extension of your time limit directly to the Mayor prior to the beginning of your deputation. Only the Mayor can provide you with permission to go over your 10 minute time limit.
Persons providing deputations to Council are subject to the same rules of conduct as members of Council, staff and the public in that no one shall speak disrespectfully or use offensive words or insulting expressions against any member of Council, staff or another member of the public.
Can a group attend as a delegation?
Your group can request to attend as a delegation, but only 3 members are permitted to speak to the issue. The 10 minute limit applies to groups as well as individuals.
I have a short video or power point that I want to show, can it be presented?
You are permitted to show a video or provide a slide presentation as long as it does not exceed the 10 minute time limit. If you require equipment or set-up, please advise the Clerk in advance of the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Equipment set up is only provided upon request. Presentations may be emailed or provided on a memory stick prior to the meeting.
Where do I present from?
Delegations are requested to present from the desk directly in front of Council. It is important that Council and the members in the audience can hear your comments so you are asked to speak into the microphone or speak at a volume audible at the back of the Council Chambers.
I am really upset about my issue and want Council to answer my questions and resolve the issue on the spot. Will this happen at the meeting?
The purpose of a deputation is to provide information to Council. As a delegation you are there to make a presentation. Council will look into your matter and may ask staff to report on the issue so that they can make an informed decision. You will be informed of Council's decision when it is made.
I have provided a deputation to Council on my topic. Can I come back and do another deputation on the same issue?
Any person who has previously addressed Council on a topic will not be allowed a second deputation unless the person can prove that there is new information to present to Council.
I need Council to know about my problem but I can't appear as a delegation. How do I reach them?
You have several options:
- Write a letter addressed to Mayor and Council and it will appear as correspondence on an upcoming agenda and will be circulated appropriately
- Contact your Councillor directly using the directory
Contact Us
Town of Parry Sound
52 Seguin Street
Parry Sound, ON P2A 1B4
T. (705) 746-2101
F. (705) 746-7461
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Closed on statutory holidays