- Ensuring a safe, clean, and reliable water supply
- Proper wastewater treatment
- Maintaining, replacing, and building new infrastructure as required for sustainability of the system
Water and Sewer
Public Notice
Notice of change to Water & Wastewater Rates effective for water billed beginning in March 2021
Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Parry Sound approved By-law 2021-7097 which established the new water and wastewater rates. These rates will be effective for the second quarter billing beginning in March 2021.
Documents on this page can be made available in alternative formats upon request.
What do water and wastewater charges cover the cost of?
- Small Residential = $0.01 less per month
- Average Metered Residential = $9.00 more per month
- Average Flat Rate Residential = $4.58 more per month
- Small Non-Residential = $7.83 more per month
- Average Non-Residential = $17.33 less per month
- High Volume Non-Residential = $0 difference
After 2021, what can we expect the increases to be?
- Small Residential = $2.92 monthly
- Average Metered Residential = $2.92 monthly
- Average Flat Rate Residential = $2.92 monthly
- Small Non-Residential = $2.92 monthly
- Average Non-Residential = $9.08 monthly
- High Volume Non-Residential = $224.67 monthly
The Town looks after the water mains and service lines from the road to the property line only unless there is a registered easement crossing private property. You are responsible for the water line between your house and the property line. If you suspect a water leak at your home, please contact a plumber. Staff does not perform work on private property.
If you see water bubbling up on a street it could mean we have a water line break. Please call the Public Works Department (705-746-2101) immediately or if after hours please call 705-773-8207.
- Water and sewer billings
- Water restrictions
- Water meters
- Bulk water purchase for contractors
- Drinking Water Quality Management Standard
- Water and Wastewater Reports
- Public water taps
Hydrant Flushing
The water distribution system is flushed each spring and fall as part of our maintenance schedule. You may notice low or no water pressure. If your water appears cloudy, continue running your water until it runs clear. If you have any questions about this program, please contact the Public Works Department.
Sanitary Sewers
The Town looks after the sewer mains and service lines from the road to the property line only unless there is a registered easement crossing private property. You are responsible for the sewer lateral between your house and the property line.
If you have water or sewage backing up in your drains, please call the Public Works Department (705-746-2101) or if after hours please call 705-773-8958, please note that a service charge may apply for all after hour call outs if the issue is deemed to be on private property. Staff will check the sewer main on the street to see if it is running free. If the main is not blocked you will be advised to call a plumber. Staff does not perform work on private property.
The Town of Parry Sound will publish Wastewater Bypass & Overflow notifications to inform the Public. To view these notifications, please visit the Wastewater Bypass and Notification webpage.
Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC)
December 21, 2021 - The Town of Parry Sound has an agreement with Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC), a provider of homeowner emergency repair programs, to provide optional and voluntary service plans to residents in Parry Sound.
Residential property owners will soon receive mailings from SLWC about water service line and sewer/septic line coverage available to Parry Sound homeowners. The first mailing will be mailed on December 29th, 2021 so residents should see the information in their mailboxes the week of January 3, 2021.
Please see the press release for more information from SLWC.
If you have any questions, please call the SLWC toll free number at 1-866-922-9004 or visit their website for more information: www.slwofc.ca
Storm Sewers
Culverts, ditches and gutters help to direct storm water and spring water run-off away from our roads and properties and into the catch basins. Sometimes these outlets will get plugged with debris such as dirt and leaves. Staff routinely check and clean them out especially before spring run-off occurs or before a predicted rain event.
If you see a plugged culvert, ditch or catch basin, please contact the Public Works Department at 705-746-2101 or Report A Problem.
Water & Wastewater Reports
Drinking Water Systems
The Town of Parry Sound owns and operates the Tony Agnello Water Treatment Plant. Each year the Town completes the reports as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, Ontario Regulation 170/03.
Drinking Water System Summary Report
Drinking Water System Annual Report
Wastewater Systems
The Town of Parry Sound owns and operates the Parry Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant. Each year the Town completes the reports as required by the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations SOR/2012-139.
Water & Wastewater Final Report
The Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, Ontario Regulation 453/07 requires that the Town of Parry Sound has a financial plan established. Watson & Associates completed the Town's Water and Wastewater Rate Study and Ontario Regulation 453/07 Water Financial Plan.
Council approved the updated Water Financial Plan on January 19, 2021. This plan only relates to the Town's water system.
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Contact Us
Town of Parry Sound
52 Seguin Street
Parry Sound, ON P2A 1B4
T. (705) 746-2101
F. (705) 746-7461
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Closed on statutory holidays