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Latest Update: January 10, 2025

The Town of Parry Sound owns and operates two municipal cemeteries: Hillcrest Cemetery & Sylvan Acres Cemetery.

Municipal Cemetery License # 03293733                        

The cemeteries are licensed by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) which is an administrative body operating under the authority of  the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS), under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA)

Information on Interments, Monuments, Columbaria, Lot Decorations, and Interment Rights Purchase is available from the cemetery administrative assistant who would be pleased to speak with you to answer any questions you may have or to explain the details of the cemetery by-law.

Within the by-law is a separate price schedule. Pricing changes each January 1st by the October CPI (Consumer Price Index) Terms are governed by the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002.

As of July 1, 2023 the Bereavement Authority of Ontario Consumer Protection Fee has increased to $30.00

The Consumer Information Guide - A Guide to Death Care in Ontario is available upon request from the cemetery administrator or on the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) website.

Picture of the columbarium at Hillcrest Cemetery

Do you wish to purchase a columbarium niche?

Our new  24 niche columbarium was installed at Sylvan Acres Cemetery on October 7th, 2020. The 24 niche granite structure is located at an easily accessible location on an elevated pedestal in a quiet, tranquil setting providing a peaceful place to visit loved ones and to celebrate or reflect on special memories. As at Hillcrest Cemetery each niche will hold 2 cremations.

In the fall of 2014 the town placed 3 columbarium units at Hillcrest Cemetery. An additional columbarium with 48 niches was installed at Hillcrest Cemetery November 27, 2023 and is now available for purchase.

If you would like to purchase a niche in one of the units the cemetery administrative assistant would be pleased to assist you in this. You can find information on prices in the cemetery by-law.

You will see that we have 2 different fee structures. One is for residents: those who live in, or own property in, the Town of Parry Sound or the Municipality of McDougall. The other is for non-residents: those who live anywhere else.

Do you wish to purchase a cemetery grave or columbarium niche?

We have in-ground graves for sale at Sylvan Acres Cemetery, and we have columbarium niches for sale at Hillcrest Cemetery and at Sylvan Acres Cemetery.

The cemetery administrative assistant would be pleased to assist you in this.

You can find information on prices in the cemetery by-law.

You will see that we have 2 different fee structures. One is for residents: those who live in, or own property in, the Town of Parry Sound or the Municipality of McDougall. The other is for non-residents: those who live anywhere else.

Do you need to arrange a burial or interment?

Interments generally may take place between May 15th and November 15th.

As long as the frost or snow isn't too deep it is possible interments may take place after November 15th or before May 15th with the approval of the Cemetery Leadhand. We can talk to see if this is possible.

Contact the cemetery administrator to arrange for an interment.

You will find details about regulations for lot decorations at Hillcrest and Sylvan Acres Cemeteries in the cemetery by-law, section 11 on pages 14 to 16.

Lot decorations are anything placed on a cemetery lot besides a monument or marker. No items of a breakable nature are allowed, including solar lights; please refer to the cemetery by-law for specifics.

All items should be removed from the cemetery by October 15th each year or they may be discarded by the staff when doing fall clean up if staff determine they are past their prime or unsightly.

Do you want to place a monument or marker in one of our cemeteries?

Only a monument company may make and place monuments and markers. See the telephone yellow pages or google for a list of local companies.

For information on monuments and markers you can look in the cemetery by-law, section 12 on pages 16 to 18 or contact the cemetery administrative assistant.

Two fees apply when placing a monument or marker, these may be viewed on our price list:

  1. The Funeral Burial & Cremation Services Act, 2002 says that a Monument Care & Maintenance Fee must be paid and deposited in a trust fund for each monument or marker that is placed within a cemetery to make sure funds are always there for upkeep of the cemetery.
  2. A staking fee is paid so that the monument or marker is placed in the proper location.

Contact Us


Town of Parry Sound
52 Seguin Street
Parry Sound, ON P2A 1B4
T. (705) 746-2101
F. (705) 746-7461

Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Closed on statutory holidays